Designed to keep your dog away from separation anxiety

Let them know you're always there

Check in on your dog through Furbo's live view, toss a treat to brighten their day, and talk to them via 2-Way Audio.

Keep them extra safe

Furbo Nanny's Smart Alerts allow you to get notified of important dog-related activities and home emergencies to keep your dog extra safe at all times.

No more complaints from neighbors

Furbo can detect your dog's barking and alert you with Barking Alert. Know what’s going on at home and talk to your dog when they need you even when you're away.

Colors your dog can see

Furbo’s light indicator uses yellow and blue - the colors dogs can see.

Furbo Dog Camera can alleviate separation anxiety in dogs and improve the quality of your dog’s life.

Zak George, professional dog trainer

Furbo For Good

One Furbo = $1.50 CAD to Help Rescued Pets

Every purchase helps improve the well-being of rescued pets by providing meals, shelter, training, and more!