Deciding to own a dog is the start of a grand adventure, but it’s one that should be planned for carefully. Doing some homework well in advance will help ensure a happy relationship between you and your new pup and can smooth out the bumps in the road that invariably come with strengthening the dog-human bond.
While it’s never a good idea to leave a dog alone for long periods of time, the fact that most of us have jobs means that we must either find a way to make it work or give up having a dog. Leaving your furbaby home alone can cause quite a few problems because many dogs suffer separation anxiety. They may act out when left alone, soiling the house, chewing things up, digging, and barking. One way to avoid these problems is to choose a breed that is less likely to suffer from distress.
Here are our recommendations for 9 best "home-alone" dog breeds:
1. Boston Terrier
One of the few terrier breeds that do not suffer from separation anxiety, the Boston Terrier (actually part of the “Non-Sporting” group in AKC) with its distinctive “tuxedo” markings are intelligent and independent dogs that are no longer used for their fighting origins. Although they can be stubborn and sometimes hyperactive, they nevertheless make wonderful companions for older people or those who live in apartments.
2. Lhasa Apso
The Lhasa makes a funny and engaging pet for just about anyone. Bred for centuries to be royal watchdogs, they don’t seem to realize how small they are and put on their “big dog suit” every time they meet another dog. They are playful and inquisitive, but are independent enough not to mind being let to their own devices. Unfortunately, that independent spirit means that although they will readily learn all your commands, they’ll only obey when it suits their own purposes.
3. Miniature Schnauzer
This big dog in a small suit is among the favorite breeds in America. They enjoy a role as guard dog, but can get noisy if they take that role too seriously. Intelligence works in their favor, as they are quick to learn and are affectionate as well. They do not mind being left alone if you are sure to leave toys and chew things to keep them busy while you’re gone.
4. Bullmastiff
This large breed needs a lot less exercise than one would imagine and they love to sleep, making them ideal for families who live a hectic schedule. A few short walks a day will meet the Bullmastiff’s energy requirements. Older dogs are especially calm and laid-back, but puppies are still puppies and need more exercise. Socializing this wonderful breed and teaching it at least basic obedience commands are necessary, as an adult can reach 130 pounds. Despite its size, it makes a wonderful apartment dog. Give it lots of attention when you are home, and be sure to leave toys for pups to chew on.
5. Chow Chow
Looking like a giant teddy bear, the Chow Chow seems like it would be great to cuddle with. However, it’s really not much for snuggling and physical closeness. Like a cat, it would rather not be hugged and is not a fan of strangers. The Chow Chow is good with its own family, but isn’t the best breed to have around small children. Suspicious of strangers, it makes an ideal watchdog. Quiet and independent, they are fine with being left home alone.
6. Chinese Shar-pei
Another dog that does very well in apartments is the Chinese Shar-pei due to their quiet and somewhat reserved demeanor. They do not readily take to strangers but will do anything for their humans. Their cat-like aloofness means that they are a good choice for people who must work or are busy. However, it is important to spend the time to properly train and socialize the Shar-pei when it is young, or it will become stubborn and disrespectful and try to rule the home. They are excellent watchdogs and guardians and like to have a job to do.
7. Akita
A devoted Japanese breed, the Akita was developed originally as a hunting dog, but found its place in the world of guardians and watchdogs. Like other breeds that are good at guarding, the Akita is somewhat aloof with strangers but will accept them if its family is home. Early training and socialization will mitigate problems that might otherwise arise from being a fearless dog that refuses to back down from a challenge. Though tolerant of your daily absence, the Akita craves your attention when you are home.
8. Basenji
This unique breed hails from Africa, where it was developed as a hunting dog. Known as the “barkless” breed, they are not voiceless. It’s just that their vocalizations are limited to “yodeling” and blood-curdling screaming, as well as whines and growls typical of all dogs. Because the Basenji is very independent as well as intelligent, it may not even notice when you leave. However, be prepared to be joyfully received upon your return.
9. Peekapoo
This designer dog is a cross between the Pekingese and the Poodle and has inherited the best from both breeds. Affectionate and intelligent, they enjoy being with their people but really don’t mind spending time alone, as long as they have something to amuse them. Puzzle balls or other toys that require them to use their minds to get treats are great for these little dogs. Not particularly destructive, they are a good choice for someone who works but wants a small breed.
Remembering that dogs are social animals who consider themselves part of a pack that includes their human families, leaving them at home alone is not the ideal. However, providing something for them to do while you’re gone and training them to respond to audio commands will help. Remember to check in on them as often as possible can make the arrangement work, even if you have a full-time job. Make sure your dog has some outdoor time before you leave and some mind-engaging challenges while you’re away, or he may just find something on his own to do. And it may not be something you particularly approve of!
Furbo Dog Camera can help you keep tabs on your pup while you’re working, ease anxiety both from his end and yours, and allow you to even toss him treats while you talk to him from your office. Coupling Furbo with the proper choice of breed and a dedicated training plan means that you can have a wonderful life with your pup right from the start.