New Feature: Glass-Breaking Alerts!
We’re very excited to introduce our newest beta feature: Glass-Breaking Alerts! These AI-powered alerts will distinguish the sound of glass breaking from other background noises, so you’ll only receive the alerts that matter. 
By: Furbo
New Feature: Glass-Breaking Alerts!

Our original mission at Furbo has always been to keep dogs worldwide safe and happy. It was with the mission in mind that we developed Furbo Dog Nanny, a subscription service that adds to the original Furbo bark alerts and treats toss. Furbo Dog Nanny rounds out the suite of services with Cloud Recording clips of your dog’s day, Smart Alerts (including Activity Alerts of your dog and Person Alerts), and new Emergency Alerts to detect sounds like alarm systems and sirens.

Now, this month, we’re very excited to introduce our newest beta feature: Glass-Breaking Alerts! These AI-powered alerts will distinguish the sound of glass breaking from other background noises, so you’ll only receive the alerts that matter. 

We know that some of the most common pet injuries occur at home: among the most common canine injuries, limb injuries, and cuts are in the top 10. We hope that Glass-Breaking Alerts will help pet owners immediately hear about the accident and stop the injury before it happens.

During initial trials, even our corporate team got in on the testing! Since then, the feature has been rigorously developed and tested by our QA team.

With Glass-Breaking Alert, we hope to help parents be immediately alerted to a very specific danger: Take Furbo pawrent Abel, who thought his pup, Hera, was safe alone at home. But he received a Furbo alert that showed him something terrifying: Hera stood on his glass-topped table, which suddenly collapsed under her body weight, showering her with glass shards.

Abel raced home to get to his girl, bleeding from her feet, and took her to the emergency vet. 

Luckily, Hera was ok, thanks to his timely actions. As Abel wrote, “We were really lucky, Hera is going to be ok. Injuries on her foot. Young puppies are always pushing boundaries, creating potentially dangerous situations. Receiving the alerts on time is crucial. Being there on time may save lives.”

Check out Furbo Dog Nanny today!


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